The idea was to create a minimal viewer for very large TIFF (tiled).
It uses a very simple idea : only visible tiles are loaded in memory, as soon as a tile is no more visible, it is discarded.
This works very well, because in no more than the visible tiles have to be loaded, so that panning is fast, and zooming also.
VLIV has no advanced features you could think of, such as a caching, or loading tiles in advance, mostly because on local files, performance is already very good.
TIFF has built in support for tiles, but VLIV also creates Virtual Tiles for some formats that have no native tile support (such as PPM or BMP). It manages only parts of the images instead of loading completely the image, even if the format does not support natively tiling.
It also uses a special capability of the JPEG format to allow instant unzooming.
Here is a screendump of VLIV in action on a 86400x43200 pixels image:

VLIV is Shareware, and the price is 10$ (or Euros). I give instructions on VLIV site to build the shown image.
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