Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Request for features

I have always tried to make VLIV as simple as possible, while keeping it as powerful as possible.
So the number of features is quite limited, compared with other Viewers such as IrfanView.

I would like to keep the initial idea, that is focusing on Very Large Images, but like to know what you, users have found missing in VLIV.

I have some ideas myself, but time is missing for large improvements.

So please do not hesitate to ask for features in this article comments, I will consider all propositions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for VLIV. It has worked fantastic so far.

You asked for suggestions.

1. Yes, JP2 for the HiRISE images is a must for me!

2. I can't tell if VLIV "looks ahead" or not, but it would be nice if it would intelligently load sections (in separate threads hopefully) in advance, based on available memory and my "most recent" navigation behavior. Once created, don't throw the sections away. Find some way to store and reuse them if I navigate back into them later.

3. Also, if would be great if it could build a "zoom-out" lower resolution image proxy in the background while I am viewing at 100%.

4. If the above things aren't feasible, some sort of interactive floating navigator cartouche showing a grid of the sections and an overlay outline of the location of the current view would be great!!!

5. Is it possible convert the core of VLIV into a VCL (for Delphi, for instance) control?

6. A user definable grid overlaid on the image would be great, too!

7. How about an ability to build and export lower resolution versions of the viewed image?

8. How about an anti-aliasing floating loupe?

Thanks for listening!